Motel One

Address Grotekerkplein 70

On behalf of the department store chain Galeries Modernes, a modern retail building was constructed at this location in the late 1950s, designed by the Rotterdam architects Van den Broek and Bakema. The building, characteristic of the post-war period of the Hoogstraat, was marked by an innovative concrete structure for that time. In the 1970s, the building underwent several renovations, which resulted in a loss of architectural value, transforming it into an anonymous office and retail space.

With the recent redevelopment, contemporary elements of the original design have been reintroduced. The ground floor has been made transparent again, and deep incisions are visible in the facade. Additionally, the building has been extended to a fifth floor. Here, you’ll find the Cloud One bar and a spectacular rooftop terrace of MotelOne, a hotel with 180 rooms that moved into the building after the redevelopment.