
Welcome! This is the general page for the volunteers of the Rotterdam Rooftop Days 2025. On this page you will find all the information you need to get started as a volunteer.

You will soon be able to sign up for this year. If you already want to be sure you are on our list, then send us an email at vrijwilligers@rotterdamsedakendagen.nl

PRActical FAQ

Why should I become a volunteer?

It’s very simple: volunteers make these kinds of festivals and events in Rotterdam possible. It is our mission to use the rooftops of Rotterdam for the benefit of all city residents. And nothing beats the hospitality of committed people who care about the city. We therefore want to ensure that volunteering for Rotterdam Rooftop Days is an unforgettable experience, full of exclusive rooftops, beautiful views and a close-knit team feeling.

You should become a volunteer if you would like to support the festival, get a behind-the-scenes experience that visitors will never have and/or like to meet new people in Rotterdam.

What is expected of volunteers?

As a volunteer you are the first point of contact for the Rotterdam Rooftop Days and you will help visitors by scanning their tickets, answering questions and showing them the way.

A positive and proactive attitude is therefore important and therefore it is essential that we make sure you have fun and feel comfortable during your shift.

How many hours does a shift last?

Shifts are flexible and will be tailored to your availability. Each shift lasts from 4 to 8 hours. Whenever possible we will work with alternating shifts, this means that you will change locations after 2-3 hours and thus be on two roofs during the day.

How many shifts must each volunteer work?

There is no mandatory minimum number of shifts, but we are of course most helped if you can be present for several days during the festival. After the first day, we’re well into it and then it’s nice to bang on with the same team for another day to make the festival a success together.

When is the schedule final?

Of course you want to know in time when you will start working. In March you can choose all your shifts and build your own schedule. And also keep the last evening of the festival free for a festive celebration of our hard work.

What can I expect to receive from you as a volunteer?

In return for your support, you’ll receive a goodie bag from the Rooftop Days team with a t-shirt, lunch, snacks and drinks for the entire day. And you will be guest of honour at an exclusive rooftop event for the festival team on the final day.

Before the festival takes place we invite all volunteers to the official volunteer meeting, a casual introduction to the whole crew of Rotterdam Rooftop Days. Also, you will receive a face book via email, this lists all crew and location managers you can get in touch with.

How do I create my schedule as a volunteer?

To schedule our volunteers, we use the scheduling and ticketing system Stager. This allows you to choose online the shift that best fits your availability.

Never worked with Stager before? No worries! Here is an explanation of how it works in a few steps.

Have you worked with Stager before and does it not work well for you? Please indicate this in the registration form (or send an email to vrijwilligers@rotterdamsedakendagen.nl if you have already registered) and we can help you by scheduling you manually.